virtual christian counseling for expats

Reaching those who might not have community access to competent, Christian counseling is an integral part of the mission of Connected Counseling. This is central in our drive to provide convenient teletherapy care to every client. Your schedule or location should never be an obstacle to keep you from receiving excellent therapeutic counseling. 

Specifically, our counselors are committed to serving the counseling needs of expat couples and individuals living in non-English-speaking contexts around the world. We are sensitive to the difficulties of these contexts, as well as the emotional needs of an expat. We provide a flexible therapy schedule to adjust to the clients’ time zones. We desire to see health and healing for all people, no matter where they live.

Common expat counseling needs:

  • Managing cross-cultural stress
  • Anxiety about children’s schooling in a foreign context
  • Marital strife amidst cross-culture moves and daily living
  • Worry or fear for personal safety in some countries
  • Grief and loneliness from being so far from family and friends back home
  • Isolation from other English speakers
  • Lack of community
  • Addictions due to stress of cross-cultural living

Our counselors have experience living abroad as expats and you can be sure that your situation will be handled with the utmost empathy and understanding as you work towards health.
