Implicit Memory and its Link to Our Emotions

Implicit Memory and its Link to Our Emotions

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhy do we feel a lack of control over our emotions? I recently sat with a client who described an emotional situation in which they didn’t feel they had total control over their response. Because of this, they reacted negatively in a way that...
Books to Read to Improve Your Marriage

Books to Read to Improve Your Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes When a couple is in marriage counseling, I often send them on their way with “homework.” You see, weekly marriage counseling sessions will only take you so far. You have to each be willing to put in the time outside of counseling to listen,...
Singleness is a Gift

Singleness is a Gift

Reading Time: 5 minutes This is a phrase that I, a single Christian hear a lot. Most Christian singles hear this phrase and we nod along in agreement, but do we really live out the truth of this statement? Do we genuinely believe that singleness is a gift or are we...
The Theology of Emotions

The Theology of Emotions

Today I wanted to share what I would call my “theology of emotions.” As a therapist, I know we deal with a lot of emotions, but I believe that emotions are much bigger than just mental health. As a Christian, I believe emotions have theological origin and...
What is PTSD/Trauma?

What is PTSD/Trauma?

Reading Time: 2 minutesFirst, it’s important to understand in these simple terms that trauma is anything that is experienced by an individual that feels overwhelming or threatening to one’s environment. (i.e. car accident, fire, family abuse, etc.) Sometimes...