What Grief is and What To Do With It

What Grief is and What To Do With It

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sadness is the expression of disappointment or losing something important. When a person commonly expresses sadness through tears, it can signify that security or safety is compromised, hurt has been inflicted, or a relationship has been lost....
What Is A Support System?

What Is A Support System?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Today I want to talk about an important topic that has come up recently for me in conversations: a support system. We all need it, we all want it, but how do we get it? A healthy support system is an inner circle of safe people who are in...
The Theology of Emotions

The Theology of Emotions

Today I wanted to share what I would call my “theology of emotions.” As a therapist, I know we deal with a lot of emotions, but I believe that emotions are much bigger than just mental health. As a Christian, I believe emotions have theological origin and...