Reading Time: 2 minutes

Originally Published November 5, 2020

Today we are going to talk about caring well for our holistic self. It’s really important to understand the concept of holistic health in order to care well for ourselves. So let’s take a minute to look at the components of our holistic health. If you think of yourself as a pie divided into four equal parts, we can label the pieces as physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. These four areas are part of each and every created human being and work together to create our whole selves.  

We cannot neglect any one of these areas and still be considered “perfectly healthy.” If you went to the doctor and he told you that you had a broken foot, it would not be appropriate to say “Oh, that’s ok! The rest of my body seems to be in pretty good shape, so I don’t think we need to worry about the broken foot!” I think we all know that this would be a foolish response. 

We need to be concerned with our holistic health. Here are some ways you can think categorically about each component of your health.

  1. Physical: Getting good sleep, having a healthy diet, exercise
  2. Intellectual: a brain break, a creative outlet, reading
  3. Emotional: notice what you are feeling, learn what those feelings connect to, make necessary changes to improve emotional health
  4. Spiritual: Involvement in my local church, reading the Bible, spending time in prayer

These components will look different for everyone, but it is true for everyone that all of these components must be cared for. None of these pieces are greater or less important than the others. In fact, when one is impacted positively or negatively, it tends to impact all of the others.

Take time to get to know yourself and think through all of these components for yourself and you will notice improvements in every area.