Books to Read to Improve Your Marriage

Books to Read to Improve Your Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes When a couple is in marriage counseling, I often send them on their way with “homework.” You see, weekly marriage counseling sessions will only take you so far. You have to each be willing to put in the time outside of counseling to listen,...
The Blind Spot in Couple’s Counseling

The Blind Spot in Couple’s Counseling

Reading Time: 3 minutes I find that couples in my office actually want to be in counseling. They are not fighting therapy or fighting coming together in the same space and time. Instead they are hurting because they don’t know how to be together when showing up with...
What Grief is and What To Do With It

What Grief is and What To Do With It

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sadness is the expression of disappointment or losing something important. When a person commonly expresses sadness through tears, it can signify that security or safety is compromised, hurt has been inflicted, or a relationship has been lost....
What Is A Support System?

What Is A Support System?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Today I want to talk about an important topic that has come up recently for me in conversations: a support system. We all need it, we all want it, but how do we get it? A healthy support system is an inner circle of safe people who are in...
The Theology of Emotions

The Theology of Emotions

Today I wanted to share what I would call my “theology of emotions.” As a therapist, I know we deal with a lot of emotions, but I believe that emotions are much bigger than just mental health. As a Christian, I believe emotions have theological origin and...