Implicit Memory and its Link to Our Emotions

Implicit Memory and its Link to Our Emotions

Reading Time: 3 minutesOriginally Published October 2022 Why do we feel a lack of control over our emotions? I recently sat with a client who described an emotional situation in which they didn’t feel they had total control over their response. Because of this, they...
Supporting Grief Well

Supporting Grief Well

Reading Time: 5 minutesOriginally Published April 2023 Grief is a natural part of life – so why is it so difficult to embrace? It doesn’t take long to notice things in this world that are worth grieving: broken relationships, death of a family member, job loss,...
Shame is the (dog)House that Sin Built

Shame is the (dog)House that Sin Built

Reading Time: 3 minutesOriginally Published August 2020 Sitting around the family dinner table the other night, my youngest read a discussion prompt, “What emotion do you wish you’d never have to feel again?” The answers circled the table; “anger”-“fear”-“sad” –...